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The Magic of Music

Music holds a special place in the hearts of millions of people. Certain lyrics will invoke a moment in time, a fleeting memory of a summer past or a missed connection. The rhythmic beat of drums makes the heartbeat pick up and the adrenaline flow. When coupled with hundreds or thousands of other people having the same experience in the same place the effect is, quite literally, magic.

Music has been used for thousands of years in religious ceremonies and rituals. Repeated phrases and the sound of drums send people into a head space that allows them to connect with their chosen deities. Whenever people gather together, either in their homes or at concerts, something very similar happens. The music seeps into their blood and charges the air around them with an unseen energy. In the hours afterwards people report feelings of elation and peace. They feel as though something has settled as though the world has changed just a little. They've harnessed the same creative energy that so many other people have captured over the generations.

It's well known that music affects the brain in so many positive ways, be it a lift in mood or enhancing concentration. Regular concert goers will know the anticipation all to well as they count down the days until they can once more immerse themselves in the magical world that's created when a band strikes those first notes. It's an energy that builds until it can be contained no longer and it spills over in singing, dancing, and memories that will last a lifetime. They're highs that no other drug can create and which no one would want to even try to replicate. Music is an addiction that causes no harm and, thankfully, has no cure.

Music is the strangest form of magic. Blink and you'll miss it. Find it and you'll carry it with you forever.



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