Life is a Journey

Life is a journey and sometimes you have to follow the signs.
Five years ago I had little to no idea who Foo Fighters were.
Four years ago, when I'd finally discovered who they were, I would never have contemplated writing a book about them.
Two years ago I started working on that book.
And now that book is ready to see the world.
Life is a journey. You never know where it's going to take you. Nor do you know where the signs will lead. Those signs can be anything; a particular number, a song, a person who suddenly appears in your life, words of encouragement from people you've only just met. They can be subtle and barely noticeable. Or they can be huge, clanging bells that don't cease until you do something to address them.
For me, the signs were loud sirens that obviously weren't going to stop until I did something. How did I find myself among fans of a band that I had little to no interest in? How did I find myself following them? And why was I there?
Everything happened very suddenly, from finding myself talking to people to looking up the band's catalogue. I knew that I had to do something but wasn't sure what. So I talked to people and slowly, much like the sun rising in winter, I realised that I needed to do what I was apparently good at: Documenting.
It's taken just two years from inception to completion but, by following those signs, I have a book that I'm extremely proud of.
If you're looking for a new path, look at the world around you and see if it's telling you which way to go. The signs may be subtle but they'll be there. Follow them, and your heart, to the destination of your dreams.