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Where's Your P.M.A?

(That's Positive Mental Attitude!)

Even during good days, having a positive mental attitude can be hard. How do you keep a happy outlook when the world around us is so dark? How do you spread kindness and love when other people are intent on destroying themselves and the world around them? How can you escape the darkness of your brain when the global outlook is already so bleak.

Creating a positive mental attitude can be hard. It takes time and effort. Like many things, starting small is the way to go. Your attitude won't completely change overnight and, like everything, you are in a constant state of evolution.

I started with a Gratitude Journal when I wanted to change from a negative to a positive way of thinking. At the beginning of the year, I bought a diary and every day I wrote three things that had made me happy that day. They were simple things like receiving something in the mail, or hearing my favourite song, or seeing the sun rise. As the months went by, I found that I was becoming grateful for more things until the list I was writing wouldn't fit on to a single page. Every day I found new things to say thank you for and I noticed that people's attitudes towards me were also changing. Whereas they had once avoided me, I now noticed that complete strangers would smile and open up to me. It was, quite literally, life changing.

I felt lighter and happier in myself and my smile refused to fade. Even now I notice how heavy I feel when I'm in a low mood and negative thoughts are rolling through my brain. But I can pinpoint that it's happening and do something to help lift my mood. This might be going for a walk, reading a book, listening to music, or talking to a friend. For me, having a positive mental attitude has radically helped with the issues that plague my brain.

There's so many ways that you can kick start your own P.M.A. You can keep a Gratitude Journal. You don't have to begin at the start of the year. Grab a diary or blank notebook and jot down the things that make you happy.

Try and enjoy the little things in life; a walk in the park, hearing your favourite song, or dancing (it doesn't matter if you can't dance. Find a quiet spot and go for it! I can't dance but it's still one of my favourite things to do!).

Any creative outlet is good for getting that P.M.A. going, whether it's writing, playing music, or creating art.

While it can be a great tool for keeping in touch, social media can become a hindrance in your life when it comes to positive thinking. Unfollowing negative pages and people is one place to begin. Disconnecting from those people can be really difficult, especially if they're close family or friends. However, most social media sites provide you with both an unfollow and an unfriend button. Use the unfollow button and you'll still remain a part of their digital life therefore bypassing those awkward conversations about why you may have deleted someone from your friends list. Find positive people and pages to follow instead, the ones who post inspiring quotes and uplifting photographs.

Keeping a positive mental attitude can be easy. You just have to choose to start!


You Are Not Broken is available from Amazon,, and all good retailers.




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